A New Combined History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 8 Religious Developments – The Bhakti and Sufi Movements.

A New Combined Text Book of History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions (D.N Kundra, Goyal Brothers Prakashan)

These Solutions are part of A New Combined History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given. A New Combined History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 8 Religious Developments – The Bhakti and Sufi Movements.

I. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each :

Question 1.
Name any four Sufi saints.
Hazrat Khwaja Muin-ud-Din Chisti, Hazrat Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Auliya of Delhi, Nasir-ud-Din Chiragh of Delhi and Salim .Chisti of Sikri were the four Sufi saints.

Question 2.
Give any four teachings of the Sufi saints.
The teachings of the Sufi saints were :

  1. They preached religious tolerance. To them ‘Isjiwar’ and ‘Allah’ are the names of the same God.
  2.  They taught love of mankind. According to them love of mankind means love to God.
  3. All men are alike as they are children of one God.
  4. They taught religious liberalism. According to them there is no difference between Muslims and Hindus and all religions and sects should be respected.

Question 3.
Who was Kabir ? What were his teachings ?
Kabir was one of the great reformers of the Bhakti movement. He taught Hindu Muslim unity. He believed that God is one and ‘Ishwar’ and ‘Allah’ are different names of one God.He taught devotion to God and also preached brotherhood of man. He was against caste distinctions because he firmly believed that salvation could be attained only through good deeds. That is why he condemned useless rites, false practices as well as idol worship.

Question 4.
Who was the founder of the Sikh religion ? What did he preach ?
Guru Nanak Dev was the founder of Sikh religion. He preached :

  1. Oneness of God.
  2.  God is truth.
  3.  He discarded caste distinctions which divided human beings.
  4.  He advocated ‘Langar’ or community kitchen which brought all castes together.
  5. He condemned useless rites and practices.
  6. He preached true devotion to God.
  7. He did not believe in renouncing the world to attain salvation.

II. Answer the following questions in 80-100 words

Question 1.
Mention the names of some Sufi saints of India. What were the effects of their teachings ?
Hazrat Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Auliya of Delhi, Nasir-ud-Din Chiragh of Delhi, Salim Chisti of Sikri were important Sufi saints of India. They preached oneness of God, love of mankind and religious liberalism. This created a spirit of love and affection among the people. Some of the Sultans became tolerant towards other religions. The Hindus and Muslims got closer. Some Mughal kings behaved like national leaders. One could see the fusion of Indian and Islamic style in art and architecture. The Persian form of music also became popular. Thus the Sufi movement encouraged interaction between Hindus and Muslims which resulted in the progress of the country.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Bhakti ? What were the teachings of the Bhakti reformers ?
The word ‘Bhakti’ means devotion or love to God. Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Mira Bai, Chaitanya were important reformers of Bhakti Movement. They preached that with love or devotion one could get salvation. They taught all are the children of same God. That is why distinctions of caste, creed or sect and condemned useless rites and false practices. They laid importance on good deeds and purity of conduct. They believed that God could be attained by leading a normal household life and not by renouncing the world. All the Bhakti saints emphasised on the oneness of God and universal . brotherhood.

Question 3.
What were the chief effects of the Bhakti Movement and Sufism in India ?
The Bhakti Movement and Sufism had far reaching effects on the outlook of the people. By preaching the principle of equality and co-existence they removed much of the bitterness between the two communities. The Hindus and Muslims came closer and respected the saints of each other’s community. The Sultans became more tolerant and the Hindus also developed a liberal alttitude. Sher Shah Suri and Akbar encouraged national way of thinking. Indo- Islamic art developed due to the mingling of Indian and Turkish styles. One fruitful effect was the growth of vernacular literature. The reformers preached in a common language. As such regional languages like Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali etc. began to develop. Thus Sufism and Bhakti movement created a spirit of love and affection among people.

III. Match the contents of Column A with those of Column B
A New Combined History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 8.1
A New Combined History & Civics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 8.2

Additional Questions

Question 1.
Who was Vallabhacharya ? What did he teach ?
Vallabhacharya was born in a Brahmin family near Benaras. He preached the worship of Lord Krishna. He taught the doctrine of ‘ Advaitvad’ according to which there is no difference between the ‘Atma’ and ‘Parmatma’.

Question 2.
Who were the chief reformers of Bhakti Movement ?
Ramanuja, Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Mira Bai and Chaitanya were the chief reformers of the Bhakti Movement.

Question 3.
Who was Namdeva ? What did he preach ?
Namdeva was a Maratha saint. He preached oneness of God for all religions. He had many Muslim followers as well. He was a great Bhakti reformer.

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