Check the below ICSE Class 10 Geography Goyal Brothers Solutions Chapter 1 Interpretation of Topographical Maps 1 with Questions and Answers Pdf free download. Students can also read Map Study: Interpretation and Topographical Maps Class 10 ICSE Solutions.
ICSE Class 10 Geography Goyal Brothers Solutions Chapter 1 Interpretation of Topographical Maps 1
Question 1.
What can we learn from a globe?
Globe is an accurate representation of the Earth in three dimensions.
We can learnt from the globe the distribution of continents and oceans, major relief features, countries, chief cities and other features. Line of latitude and longitude are also marked on the globe. The globe shows the relative sizes and shapes of continents and other features correctly.
Question 2.
What information do we get from a map?
Map provide us invaluable information. They help us in getting information of tremendous magnitude at a glance. Maps helps to explores to find new continents and seas. To traders to find the right directions, to defence departments to fight their battles and safeguard and National boundaries, to students to gain the knowledge of the world and their surroundings etc.
Question 3.
What is meant by map reading?
Map Reading means analyzing the map by interpreting the various symbols used in the construction of a map.
In other words, it is the translation of these symbols, colours and conventional equivalents, back to original features they represent.
Question 4.
Differentiate between Magnetic North and True North.
The True North is a geographical direction indicated by the North Star, while the Magnetic North is the direction pointed by the needle of a magnetic compass.
Question 5.
List the three ways in which a scale is represented.
The proportion which exists between the map and actual surface of the Earth is called the scale. A scale is represented in three ways:
- by a statement
- by representative fraction
- linear scale or graph
Question 6.
Why does Magnetic North deviate from the True North?
The Magnetic North deviate from the True North due to the Angle of Declination, i.e. The needle always points towards the North, but it is slightly deviated from the true or geographical North by a few degree. This angular deviation between the two directions is called Angle of Declination.
Question 7.
Why are linear scales used in topographical survey sheets?
All the topographical survey sheets have used linear scale because to measure the distance between two points on the map.
Question 8.
Draw a linear scale representing 8 kins x 1000 m. Ans.
Question 9.
How many types of maps are there?
Maps are classified as follows:
- Plans or Cadastral maps
- Wall maps
- Atlas maps
- Physical maps
- Topographical maps
- Thematic maps
- General Purpose or Cultural maps.
Question 10.
What is the significance of colours in Topographical Maps?
Significance of colours in Topographical Maps are given below:
For studying a topographical sheet, one has to be familiar with the colours used in a topo sheet. These colours are called conventional colours.
The conventional symbols are given in these colours as representing particular features.
For example:
- Yellow – Cultivable land.
- Green – Forest area.
- White – Rock area/bad land, hence uncultivable.
- Blue – Perennial lined wells, streams, lakes and ponds.
- Brown – Contour lines and their heights.
- Black – All dry streams and surveyed trees.
- Red – Permanent Huts.
Question 11.
List the objectives of Survey of India map.
The objectives of Survey of India maps are:
- To have all topographical control and conduct required of surveys within the country.
- Mapping and production of political and physical map and aeronautical charts.
- Demarcation of external boundaries of (the Republic of India).
- Research and development in the fields of cartography, printing, photography related to topographical surveys of India.
Question 12.
Draw the symbols of the following conventional signs in appropriate colours –
(i) Broken ground
(ii) Temple
(iii) Church
(iv) Contours showing one side steep, the other side gentle slope
(v) Survey tree
Question 13.
Define the following terms and draw the symbols for the same :
(i) Causeway
(ii) Contours
(iii) Depression
(iv) Stony Waste
(v) Fireline
(vi) Surveyed Tree
(vii) Brackish
(ix) Broken ground
(x) Embankment
(i) Causeway:
Araised road or platform across a minor stream.
A stream having a causeway is motorable during dry season. Hence too many causeways indicate scanty or seasonal rainfall.
Causeway is raised road across a lake, stream, minor river or shallow marshy area. Links important or developing areas.
(ii) Contours :
These are lines drawn in brown colour, joining places having same elevation above sea level.
(iii) Depression:
Found in sandy regions at the top of a mound or dune where the wind easily blows the sand away leaving a hollow.
(iv) Stony Waste:
The land covered with rock boulders and stones and where cultivation is not possible. It is shown as a white patch in the survey-sheet. It is printed on the survey-sheet.
(v) Fireline:
A clearing made in the forest to prevent spread of fire.
(vi) Surveyed Tree:
Serves as a prominent survey point, shown in black.
(vii) Brackish :
Brackish written beside a perennial lined well indicates that the water of the well is salty, and not fit for irrigation or drinking.
(viii) Meander:
It is a bend in the river flowing through a flat land or plain during its middle stage.
(ix) Broken ground:
Generally found in arid regions where the top soil gets eroded due to flooding during rainy season. It is uncultivable.
(x) Embankment:
A bank or mound constructed along a tank or artificial lake to prevent flooding.
Question 14.
What is the significance of conventional signs and symbols in topographical survey maps? Explain with the help of examples.
A variety of features, both natural and man-made are depicted with the help of symbols on the topographical sheet. These are called conventional signs. They are used in the survey of India maps.
Significance of conventional signs and symbols in Topographical survey maps are given below:
- The conventional signs help in giving maximum informations about a place or area.
- Locating features with the help of four figure or a six figure grid reference.
- Identification of landforms marked by contours (steep slope, gentle slope, hill, valley, ridge/water divide, escarpment triangulated height, spot height, benchmark, relative height/ depth.
- Interpretation of colours units and conventional symbols used on a topographical survey of India map.
- Marking directions between different locations using eight cardinal points.
- It help the identification of drainage (direction of flow and pattern) and settlement patterns.
- It help the identification of natural and man-made features.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan Class 10 ICSE Geography Solutions