A New Combined History & Civics for Class 8 ICSE Solutions The French Revolution and Napoleon.

These Solutions are part of A New Combined History & Civics for Class 8 ICSE Solutions  Here we have given. A New Combined History & Civics for Class 8 ICSE Solutions The French Revolution and Napoleon.


I. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each :

Question 1.
Name three philosophers of France who inspired the people to revolt.
Three philosophers namely RSusseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire openly exposed the evils of the luxurious king, the nobility and the clergy. They inspired French people to revolt against injustices in order to wipe out their miseries.

Question 2.
Why did the French people start the French Revolution?
On account of the tyrant behaviour of the French Kings,
the people of France became against it. So, they killed the king, queen and nobles and the clergy, etc. Firstly, the French Revolution put an end to the arbitrary rule and developed the idea of people’s republic in Europe and subsequently in other parts of the world. In this way they became successful to create a new structure of social life.

Question 3.
How was the Second Coalition against France broken by Napoleon ?
After knowing about the Second Coalition against France by England, Napoleon secretly slipped to France from Egypt and was appointed the First Consul according to The New Constitution. With the help of strong foreign policy he compelled Czar of Russia to leave the coalition. After defeating Austria, the coalition was left by Austria and later ion by Portugal and Turkey leaving England alone in the field.

Question 4.
Name the members of the Third Coalition against France.
In 1805 England organised the Third Coalition against France with the members of Austria, Prussia and Russia.

Question 5.
How did the Moscow Campaign prove an utter failure?
By accepting the continental system in A.D. 1807, adversely affected the Russian economy and Russia refused
to accept it. In A.D. 1812, invaded Russia along with destroying crops, villages etc. by which the French soldiers suffered from hunger, rain and snow and Napoleon had to retreat. So, the Moscow campaign proved harmful and , cause of downfall of Napoleon and resulted in utter failure.

II. Answer the following questions in 80-100 words each :

Question 1.
Why is the French Revolution regarded as a great event in World History ?
French Revolution is a landmark in the World history in 1789. The tyranny of the French King Louis XVI crossed the limits by heavy taxation of the poor people and the luxurious life of the king and nobles, on July 14, 1789, the people broke open the gates of the Bastille Jail and set all the prisoners free. The ideas of the great philosophers like Rousseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire, inspired the people to revolt against the rule. This revolution established the ideals of rule, equal rights of the citizens, promotion of love, unity and cooperation and the concept of nationalism. This revolution also inspired the other countries of Europe like Poland, Germany, Netherlands and Germany to establish Nation-States in those countries.

Question 2.
Describe Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy.
Napoleon was a great military general and known for his bravery and shrewd administration. He was elected Commander in chief of the French Army in Italy in A.D. 1796. Although the number of French soldiers was very less, but under the guidance of Napoleon, remarkable victories took place. He attacked Austria and Sardinia one by one rather in united forms. In one year he won 26 battles against Austria and forced Austrians to sign the Treaty of Campo Formio. In Sardinia, he captured Nice and Savoy. His success made him extremely popular in France, but the unity with Italy was broken.

Question 3.
How was Napoleon responsible for the Unification of Germany and Italy ?
Napoleon played a hilarious role in the history of Germany
and Italy. Firstly, he conquered the small states of Italy and then gave them a uniform system of administration. Hence, a centralised government was established in Italy which resulted in the foundation of national unity. In the same way, he also played an important role in shaping the political structure of Germany. He annexed the smaller states to the bigger states. He formed the confederation of states in South Germany by uniting them. So, he became successful to establish organised administration and wholesome nationalism in Italy and Germany for better set up.

Question 4.
Describe any three causes of the failure of Napoleon.
At the time of Treaty of Tilsit (A.D. 1807), Napoleon was at the height of his power and glory. His rule extended not only over France, but also over the greater part of Europe due to his ability and genius. But after his defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in A.D. 1815, he was exiled to St. Helena where he died in A.D. 1821. The main cause of his downfall was due to his over confidence beyond the natural capacity of the human beings. So, he failed to face strong problems created by the opposite countries. He was high headed and never tried to take help or advice from seasoned advisers. On account of his proud his judgments sometimes proved faulty and gave way to his downfall. Besides this he took all the power in his own hands. His autocratic rule became intolerable and the people began to condemn Napoleon.

His army was very large, but his experienced generals and soldiers were killed in incessant wars fought by him. So his army became weak, so failed to face the Allies. In order to oppose England, he introduced the continental trade, so that powerful Navy of England may be in loss in importing goods from other countries, but it could not succeed and again the downfall episode continued further. To face the opposition of Russia, he attacked the country but was defeated with a great loss of army. His. selfish treatment with the conquered territories proved harmful and the strong spirit of nationalism inspired them to stand against the rule of Napoleon. Due to strong Naval Power and richness, England along with other European countries succeeded in defeating Napoleon.

Question 5.
Why did Napoleon do for the Unification of Europe ?
Napoleon was a great general and King of France, He tried his best to improve the structure of Europe by conquering a large part of Europe except England. He became the monarch of the Europe. He established proper administration with nationalism and equality and destroyed the barriers of traditional systems and prepared a new code known as the Code-Napoleon. The French soldiers went to fight in the European countries and carried with ‘ them the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity to lay the foundation of nationalism. Thus a new era of liberation from slavery started. Napoleon did the unification of various states in Germany and Italy and imparted the spirit of nationalism. In the words of Hayes “Thanks to the events of Napoleonic era, the revolution which originally had been French, was becoming European. It was long enough to communicate to their population, a taste for the new regime.”

III. Fill in the blanks :

  1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789.
  2. French Revolution instigated the French people to fight for their rights.
  3. With the help of Abbey Sieyes Napoleon overthrew the Directory.
  4. The war against Spain and Portugal is known as the Peninsular War.
  5. Naval power of England was a great stumbling block in the way of Napoleon’s success.

IV. Tick mark (✓) the right statements :

  1. When the French Revolution broke out Louis XVI was the king of France.

    2. Treaty of Amienes was signed between France and
    Russia. .

    3. The Moscow Campaign proved very useful for Napoleon.

    4. Nelson defeated the French army in the Battle of Trafalgar.

    5. Napoleon defeated Russia in the Battle of Jena in 1806.


Question 1.
Mention any four revolutionary’ changes that took place in France after the Revolution of 1789.
Revolutionary changes that took place in France after the Revolution of 1789 are:

  1. This Revolution marked the end of absolute monarchy and paved the way for the establishment of a republic.
  2. The revolution laid the foundation of a democratic government,
  3. Feudalism and serfdom were abolished and the power of the church was brought under the control of the government.
  4.  Liberty, Equality, Fraternity become the guiding principle of the French Republic .

Question 2.
What effect did the French Revolution have on the rest of Europe?
The revolutionary ideas of the French Revolution spread to all European countries. The slogans of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity become the guiding principles all over the world. Oppressed people in Europe rose in revolt against their tyrannical, hereditary rulers and established new social and political system. It inspired the spirit of nationalism among people.

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