ICSE Physics Class 7 Notes Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement

→ The mass of a body is the quantity of matter contained in a body regardless of its volume or any force acting on it.

→ The weight of a body is the force with which every body is attracted towards its centre.

→ The unit of mass in S.I. system is kilogram (kg).

→ Higher units of mass are quintal and metric tonne.

→ The weight of body changes with acceleration due to gravity.

→ Weight is zero at the centre of the earth.

→ Mass per unit volume of a substance is called density of the body.

→ The unit of density in S.I. system is kg nr3 and gem-3 in C.G.S. system.

→ The density in S.I. system is 1000 x numerical value in C.G.S. system.

→ The density of liquids and gases decreases or increases with the rise or fall in temperature.

→ The cycle of upward and downward movements of the fluid form currents in the medium which are known as convectional currents.

ICSE Class 7 Physics Notes

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