Biology ICSE Class 6 Important Questions Chapter 7 Health and Hygiene

Extra Questions

Question 1.
Name three types of food groups.
a. Energy-giving food i.e. carbohydrates and fats.
b. Body-building food i.e. proteins.
c. Protective food i.e. vitamins and minerals.

Question 2.
Give two sources of :
a. Carbohydrates
b. Fats
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins
e. Minerals
a. Carbohydrates – wheat, potato
b. Fats – oil, ghee
c. Proteins – pulses, fish
d. Vitamins – vegetables, fruits
e. Minerals – fruits, vegetables

Question 3.
Write few steps for personal hygiene.
a. Bathe regularly.
b. wash hands before eating
c. Keep nails trimmed and clean.
d. Rinse or brush teeth after every meal.
e. Keep hair clean.

E. Wear clean clothes.

Question 4.
What is the role of roughages in our diet ?
Roughages (or fibres) add bulk to our food that prevents constipation.

Question 5.
Describe the structure of hair.
Hair is made of dead tissue. It grows because its root is living. The outer dead part of the hair is called shaft and root lies beneath the scalp.

Question 6.
How can you protect your eyes ?
a. Avoid watching TV or working on a computer for long periods.
b. Avoid reading in dim light.
c. Wear sunglasses in sun.
d. Eat vegetables like spinach, carrot, cabbage and fruits rich in Vitamin A.

Question 7.
List five things you can do for your oral hygiene.
a. Brush your teeth atleast twice a day.
b. Use a dental floss for removing stuck food particles between the teeth.
c. Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits like carrot, radish.
d. Eat food rich in calcium like cheese, curd and milk.
e. Avoid eating sticky sugary food.

Question 8.
What is composting and vermicomposting ?
Biodegradable waste is allowed to decompose naturally by dumping it into pits covered with soil. Microbes in the soil decompose this waste into compost. This is called composting. Sometimes, earthworms are added to the pits containing biodegradable waste to speed up the decomposition. This is called vermicomposting.

Question 9.
Name two communicable diseases caused by
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Protozoa
a. Bacteria – typhoid, cholera
b. Virus – chicken pox, measles
c. Protozoa – malaria, dengue

Question 10.
What are communicable diseases ?
The disease which spread from a diseased person to a healthy person through food, water, air, insect bites or by direct contact with the patient is called a communicable disease.

Question 11.
What is meant by personal hygiene ?
The art of keeping ourself disease free and thus preventing ourselves from microbes thriving in unhygienic conditions is called personal hygiene.
It includes all healthy habits as :
(a) Daily bath
(b) Cleaning ofhair and nails
(c) Brushing of teeth
(d) Breathing through nose
(e) Washing of eyes with clear water twice or thrice a day.

It excludes :
(a) Unhealthy habits like sleeping cate night
(b) Constipation
(c) Tobacco chewing
(d) Drinking alcoholic beverages.
(e) Unventilated residency
(f) No physical exercise

Question 12.
What is meant by communicable disease ?
The diseases which can spread from one unhealthy person to another healthy one through any living or non-living agent is called Communicable disease. Example: Cholera, jaundice etc. which are spread through the way of contaminated food, water and other drinks by housefly

Question 13.
What is a balanced diet
A diet which consists of all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and roughage in adequate proportion is called Balanced diet.
It has the following properties :
(a) Meets the nutritional requirements of the body.
(b) Consists of a variety of food items in adequate proportion.
(c) Provides adequate amount of energy.

Question 14.
What is the role of Municipality and Panchayat in main-taining community healthy and cleanliness ?
Municipality and Panchayats play a major role in maintaining community health and cleanliness as serves the following :
(a) Providing safe drinking water by physical and chemical clean¬ing of water.
(b) Collection and disposal of wastes.
(c) Dumping of wastes in areas away from habitation.
(d) Maintainence ofhealthy and green environment through parks and gardens.
(e) Providing medical aid to the people and vaccination facility.
(f) Family planning advice, maternal health and child health care.
(g) Prevention of food adulteration.
(h) Health services for school children.
(i) Management of different types of pollution.

ICSE Class 6 Biology Important Questions

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