Check the below ICSE Class 10 Geography Goyal Brothers Solutions Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation with Questions and Answers Pdf free download. Students can also read Natural Vegetation of India Class 10 ICSE Solutions.
ICSE Class 10 Geography Goyal Brothers Solutions Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation
Question 1.
What do you mean by the term ‘Natural Vegetation’?
‘Natural Vegetation’ refers to the plant cover that has not been disturbed over alongtime, so asto allowits individual speciesto adjustthemselvesfuUytotheclimate and soil conditions. Grasses, shrubs and trees, which grow on their own without any interference, constitute the natural vegetation of an area.
Question 2.
State the relation between climate and natural vegetation of a place.
Distribution of NaturalVegetationiscloselyrelatedtoClimate from various examples.
Dense evergreen forests are found in the areas of very high rainfall, and thorny desert vegetation in the areas of very scanty rainfall.
- OntheslopesoftheHimalayasandthehillsofthePeninsulaabove the height of 915m, the fall in the temperature affects the types of vegetation, and its growth and change it from tropical to subtropical temperature and alpine vegetation.
- The southern slopes in the Himalayan region have a thick vegetation cover as compared to the northern slopes due to longer duration of sunlight.
- The Western slopes of the Western Ghats are covered with thick forests due to more rainfall.
Question 3.
How important are trees to man?
The importance of trees to man are followings:
- They provide raw material to many industries, e.g. paper.
- They are the store house of timber for house-making and furniture, fuel, fruits, herbs, honey, bamboo, canes and fibres.
- They are source of income to the government.
- Many other products like bees wax, materials for dyeing and tanning, oil and lac are gifts of trees.
- It help in maintaining ecological balance.
- It help to absorb much of the sun’s insolation also cause rain.
Question 4.
What is the percentage of forest cover on land in India?
The Forest cover in India is only 21.02 percent.
Question 5.
Why is there Shrinkage of forest cover in India ? What precautions can be taken to reduce this shrinkage ?
The main reasons for the shrinkage of forest areas in India is mainly due to growth in population which leads to increased demands for agriculture or land establishment of industries and townships. Shrinkage of forest cover in India are due to following reasons:
- Overgrazing:
Overgrazing by cattle, sheep and goats in hilly and mountainous areas damages the forest cover. - ShiftingCultivation:
Jhooming or shifting cultivation by tribals in hilly areas causes extensive damage of forest. - Urbanization and industrialization:
Increasing urbanization and industrialization is also an important cause of degradation in forest area. - Human activities like mining,quarrying and building has resulted in deforestation at large scale.
Precautions :
- Afforestation-planting trees.
- Planting trees along the roads, railway lines, rivers and canal banks.
- DevelopmentofGreenbeltsintheUrbanAreas.
- Shifting cultivationor ‘slashand burn’ type of agriculture should be gradually banned.
Question 6.
Name a few important forest products.
Forests are the storehouse of timber, fuel, fruits, herbs, honey, bamboo, canes and fibres.
Question 7.
What are the factors that influence the natural vegetation of a place ?
Following are the factors which influence the Natural vegetation of a place:
- Temperature
- Sunlight
- Precipitation
- Soil
- Relief
Question 8.
What are the characteristics features of Tropical Evergreen forest? Name some important trees of these forests.
These forests have mainly evergreen species of varying density and height, usually associated with wetness. The tree trunks are supported by a number of stilt like roots which are submerged under water and profuse growth with tangle of climbers.
The important trees found in these forests are keora, amur, bhara, rhizophora, screw pines, canes and palms, sundari, agar, etc.
Question 9.
Name the economically most important vegetation belt of India? Justify your answer.
The economically most important vegetation belt of India is Tropical Monsoon Forests/Monsoon Forests/Deciduous Monsoon Forests.
Question 10.
Mention one area where Deciduous Monsoon forests are found. Give one reason stating why they are found there.
Deciduous Monsoon forests are found in the Western Ghats, Surrounding the belt of Evergreen forests, both on : Eastern and western slopes. Second belt of deciduous forest run along the Shivalik range and Chotanagpur plateau.
The Deciduous Monsoon forest are found in the areas of average temperature of about 24°C to 27°C. These forests occur in the areas of average rainfall between 150 to 200 cms.
Question 11.
Name the most important trees of Monsoon forests. Give one use of each.
Teak and Sandalwood are the most valuable trees of Monsoon forests.
Uses of Teak –
- Teak provides wood for shipbuilding.
- House construction and costly furniture.
Uses of Sandalwood –
- Trees provides wood for handicrafts.
- Oil for soaps and perfumes.
Question 12.
What are the main features of the Mountain forests? In which parts of India are these forests found?
The main features of the Mountain forests are:
- Climate –
These forests are found in the areas of average temperature less than 20°C or cool areas at an altitude of 1500 m to 3300 m. - Rainfall –
They occur in the areas getting rainfall between 150 to 250 cm.
- Mountain forests consist of mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.
- They occur in the transition zone of mixed forests and coniferous forests.
Found –
In the north, they occur in the temperature zone of the Himalayas from Kashmir to Assam at varying altitude.
In the south, they are found in Nilgiri and Annumalai Hills at an elevation between 1000 to 1500 m.
Question 13.
Under what climatic conditions do the desert and semidesert vegetation grow?
Desert and semi-desert vegetation is found in the area of average temperature of 25°C to 27°C and with a rainfall of less than 25cm:
Question 14.
What are the characteristics of the Mangrove forests?
Characteristics of the Mangrove forests :
- Mangrove vegetation is characterized by breathing roots or phenmatophores which act as respiratory organs.
- It stilt like roots remain submerged under water but can be seen at low tide. This tangled mass of root helps the plant to survive in the shifting mud of coastal region.
- These forests are very dense.
Question 15.
By what other names do you associate Mangrove forests?
The Mangrove Forests are known as to Tidal forests/ Littoral forests (littoral meaning on-shore).
Question 16.
What do you mean by the terms ‘afforestation’ hnd ‘deforestation’ ?
- Afforestation-
Afforestation is the process of planting large numbers of trees on land which has few or no trees on it. - Deforestation :
Indiscriminate cutting down of trees is called deforestation.
Question 17.
Give two characteristic features of Tropical Evergreen forest that make it difficult to exploit.
Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit because:
- They are very dense hence impenetrable.
- Transport is not possible.
- Trees do not grew in pure strands.
Question 18.
Why are the Deciduous Monsoon forests found on the eastern part of South India ?
Deciduous Monsoon Forests are found on the eastern part of South India as it receives rain of 150 to 200 cms, with a hot dry season from March to the end of May, they shed their leaves, hence are deciduous.
Question 19.
Name two states in India where thorn and scrub forests are found along with two examples of trees found here.
Two states where thorn and scrub forests can be noticed in – drier parts of Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan dry parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Telangana.
Examples are – Khair, Babul and Ber.
Question 20.
Name the type of vegetation found in saline environment under tidal influence and name the most important tree associated with the above type of vegetation.
The tidal forests occur in and around the delta regions, estuaries and creeks and are prone to tidal influence. They are found in areas flooded by tides, these types of trees can survive in fresh and brackish water.
Sundari is very important in this areas. Sunderban delta has been named after it.
Question 21.
What characteristics of Sundari tree make it suitable for boat building ?
The most important features of Sundari trees are:
The wood is hard, strong and durable, and hence make it suitable for boat building.
Question 22.
Why are the forests grown in and around steel cities ?
The level of pollution is much higher in the cities having Iron and Steel Plants, pollution generated is more than the cities not having these plants. This is because during the manufacture of steel, air emissions from the manufacturing plants emit particulate matter, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and hydrogen fluoride which pollute die air.
Besides, these steel plants emit significant dust levels of about 20 kilograms per metric ton of steel. To prevent pollution, trees are planted around the cities having Iron and Steel cities. The trees act as a barrier for the dust and purify the air.
Question 23.
Name two states where Deodar trees are grown. How is this wood useful ?
It is found in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir.
Use :
It is used for railway sleepers and house construction.
Question 24.
Name the type of vegetation found along the coastal strip of Ganga delta.
Mangrove forests/sunderbans forests/tidal forests/Littoral forests found along the costal strip of Ganga delta.
Question 25.
State the total forest cover of the total geographic area of India.
The Forest Cover of the total geographic area of India is about only 21.02 percent as against the world average of about 35%.
Question 26.
Give geographical reasons –
(a) Tropical Evergreen Forests are called Evergreen.
Tropical Evergreen Forests are called Evergreen forests as they remain green throughout the year. This is because they shed their leaves at different times of the year.
(b) Tropical Evergreen forests are called rainforests.
They are found in the areas of heavy rainfall, they are also
known as ‘rainforests’.
(c) Mangrove forests or vegetation are stilled and look like tangled mass of roots to survive in coastal region.
Because its stilt like roots remain submerged under water but can be seen at low tide. This tangled mass of roots helps the plant to survive in the shifting mud of coastal region.
Question 27.
Answer in one word –
(a) The tidal forests occur in and around the ……………..
The tidal forests occur in and around the steel industries.
(b) Its fruit is used for tanning leather and for dyeing purpose.
(c) These forests shed their leaves for 6-8 weeks during spring.
Deciduous Monsoon Forests or Tropical Deciduous Forests.
Question 28.
Differentiate between social forestry and agroforestry.
Social-Forestry –
It refers to the management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with the purpose of helping the environmental, social and rural development.
Agroforestry –
It is an integrated approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops. It combines agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive and profitable land use system.
A narrow definition of agroforestry is “trees on farms”.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan Class 10 ICSE Geography Solutions