ICSE Class 10 Geography Goyal Brothers Solutions Chapter 11 Agriculture in India 2: Food Crops
Question 1.
What do you understand by the term ‘cereals’?
The term ‘cereals’ denotes all types of grass like plants, which have starchy edible seeds.
Question 2.
Name the different methods of sowing rice.
Following are the three methods of sowing rice:
- Drilling
- Broadcasting
- Dibbling
Question 3.
Which is the best method of growing rice.
Drilling is the best method for growing rice.
This method, though saving wastage of seeds, and its very time-consuming.
Question 4.
What kind of soil is best suited for growing rice?
Deep fertile clayey or friable loams are ideal for the cultivation of rice.
Even black lava soil is suitable for growing rice.
Question 5.
Name the leading producer of rice in India.
West Bengal produces the highest quantity of rice in India.
Question 6.
Name a state in India where rice is grown as a non-food crop.
Punjab in India is a state where rice is grown as a non-food crop.
Question 7.
Name an area in India where rice is grown under ‘Shifting Cultivation’.
In north-east India, rice is grown under ‘ Shifting Cultivation’. or by ‘Jhooming’.
Question 8.
State the reasons for low yield of rice in India.
Low yield of Rice in India due to following reasons:
- Disease damage the rice crop and can reduce yield.
- Proper storage of rice is not available.
- Farmers do not get suitable price for their crop do as middlemen buy it cheaply at harvest time and sell it at higher prices later.
Question 9.
What are the climatic conditions suitable for growing of wheat?
Conditions suitable for the growing of wheat in the above places are :
10°-20°, Rainfall: 50-100 cms,
loamy, alluvial soil, and it needs winter rainfall.
Question 10.
Is wheat a rabi or kharif crop?
Wheat is a rabi crop.
11. Name the leading producer of wheat in India.
Punj ab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are the leading producer of wheat in India.
Question 12.
Give two natural and two man-made factors that help in the cultivation of wheat.
Two natural factors that help in the cultivation of wheat are:
- Fertile loamy clayey and black soil.
- Cool climate with moderate rainfall.
Whereas, The Bhakra Nangal Dam And canals made by man
ensures constant supply of water. The power supplied by the Bhakra Nangal Project is used to operate the tube well. The flat level land allows the fanner to use a combined harvester to harvest his crop.
Question 13.
Give a few important aspects of ‘Green Revolution’?
The important aspects of‘ Green Revolution’are:
- Use of high Yielding Varieties (HYV) of seeds.
- Irrigation.
- Use of insecticides and pesticides.
- Consolidation of holdings
- Rural electrification
- Land reforms
- Rural electrification
- Supply of agricultural credit
- Opening agricultural universities
- Use of (chemical) fertilizers.
Question 14.
In which season is wheat sown and why?
Wheat is a temperate crop. It is grown in winter and harvest in
March/April, hence it is a rabi crop.
In India, winter temperature of north India provides more favourable conditions.
Question 15.
Is maize a rabi or kharif crop? Name three leading ‘ producers of maize.
Maize is chiefly a kharif crop but in Tamil Nadu it is grown as, a rabi crop. Therefore it is a rabi and kharif crop. Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh are leading producers of maize.
Question 16.
Why are the millets called the dry crops?
Millets are called dry crops because they can be grown where the rainfall is very low, where rice or wheat cannot be grown. It is a hardy plant and drought resistant crop. It needs no special soil requirements. It is a short-duration crop.
Question 17.
Why are millets so widely grown?
Millets belong to the grass family and do not have any special requirements as far as soil is concerned. Also they grow in warm weather and do not require heavy rainfall. Therefore they are so widely grown.
Question 18.
Give two new uses of maize.
Besides as an article of food, maize is also used as fodder for cattle.
Question 19.
What is the common feature of all milets?
All millets are hardy, drought and heat – resistant plants.
Question 20.
Name the most important rotation crop. In what way does it help the soil?
Pulses are very useful rotation crop. They are the leguminous plants, take the atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into soil nitrogen and maintain the soil fertility and they are dry crops requiring less water.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan Class 10 ICSE Geography Solutions