The availability of step-by-step ISC Mathematics Class 11 OP Malhotra Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test can make challenging problems more manageable.

S Chand Class 11 ICSE Maths Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test

Question 1.
Find the eccentricity and the coordinate of foci of the hyperbola 25x2 – 9y2 = 225.
Given eqn. of hyperbola can be written as ;
\(\frac{x^2}{9}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{25}\) = 1 …(1)
On comparing eqn. (1) with \(\frac{x^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{b^2}\) = 1
we have a2 = 9 and b2 = 25
We know that b2 = a2 (e2 – 1)
⇒ 25 = 9(e2 – 1)
⇒ \(\frac{25}{9}\) + 1 = e2
⇒ e = \(\frac{\sqrt{34}}{3}\) (∵ e > 0)
Thus the required eccentricity of given eqn. (1) be \(\frac{\sqrt{34}}{3}\)
The coordinates of foci are ( ± ae, 0) i.e. \(\left( \pm 3 \times \frac{\sqrt{34}}{3}, 0\right)\) i.e. \(( \pm \sqrt{34}, 0)\).

OP Malhotra Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test

Question 2.
Find the value (s) of k so that the line 2x + y + k = 0 may touch the hyperbola 3x2 – y2 = 3.
eqn. of given hyperbola be 3x2 – y2 = 3 ⇒ \(\frac{x^2}{1}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{3}\) = 1
On comparing eqn. (1) with\(\frac{x^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{b^2}\) = 1
we have a2 = 1; b2 = 3
eqn. of given line be
2x + y + k = 0 ⇒ y = – 2x – k
We know that the line y = mx + c touches hyperbola (1) if c = ±\(\sqrt{a^2 m^2-b^2}\)
Here m = – 2 and c = – k
Thus, eqn. (2) touches hyperbola (1)
if – k = ± \(\sqrt{1 \times(-2)^2-3}\)
⇒ – k = ± 1
⇒ k = ± 1

Question 3.
From the following information, find the equation of the hyperbola and the equation of the transverse axis.
Focus (-2, 1), Directrix : 2x – 3y + 1 = 0, e = \(\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}\)
Let P (x, y) be any point on the hyperbola.
Then by definition, we have | PF | = | PM |
OP Malhotra Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test Img 1
On squaring both sides ; we have
(x + 2)2 + (y – 1)2 =\frac{4}{39}(2x – 3y + 1)2
⇒ 39 [x2 + 4x + 4 + y2 – 2y + 1]
= 4 [4x2 + 9y2 – 12xy – 6y + 1+ 4x]
which is the required eqn. of hyperbola.
Axis of hyperbola is a line ⊥ to the directrix and pass through the focus (- 2, 1).
Thus eqn. of line ⊥ to 2x – 3y + 1 = 0 be given by
3x + 2y + k = 0 …(1)
eqn. (1) pass through the point (- 2, 1).
-6 + 2 + k = 0
⇒ k = 4
Thus eqn. (1) reduces to ; 3x + 2y + 4 = 0 be the required eqn. of axis of hyperbola.

Question 4.
Find the equation of the hyperbola whose eccentricity is √5 and the sum of whose semi-axes is 9.
Let the required eqn. of hyperbola be
\(\frac{x^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{b^2}\) = 1
given eccentricity of hyperbola be √5
∴ e = √5
Let a be length of semi-major and b be the length of semi-minor axes of hyperbola.
According to given condition, we have
a + b = 9 …(2)
We know that b2 = a2 (e2 – 1)
⇒ b2 = a2(5 – 1) = 4a2
⇒ (9 – a)2 = 4a2 [using eqn. (2)]
⇒ 3a2 + 18a – 81 = 0
⇒ (a – 3)(3a + 27) = 0
⇒ a = 3 (∵ a > 0)
∴ from (2); b = 9 – 3 = 6
Thus eqn. (1) reduces to ;
\(\frac{x^2}{9}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{36}\) = 1
which is the required eqn. of hyperbola.

Question 5.
Find the equation of the hyperbola whose foci are (4, 1),(8, 1) and whose eccentricity is 2.
We know that centre is the mid-point of line joining the two foci (4, 1) and (8, 1).
∴ Coordinates of centre of hyperbola are \(\left(\frac{4+8}{2}, \frac{1+1}{2}\right)\) i.e. (6, 1).
Since ordinate of both foci are identical
∴ Transverse axis of the hyperbola is parallel to x-axis.
Thus eqn. of hyperbola can be taken as
\(\frac{(x-6)^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{(y-1)^2}{b^2}\) = 1
Given eccentricity of eqn. (1) be 2 i.e. e = 2
∴ distance between foci
= \(\sqrt{(8-4)^2+(1-1)^2}\) = 4
⇒ 2ae = 4 ⇒ ae = 2 ⇒ a = 1
∴ b2 = a2 (e2 – 1) = 12(4 – 1) = 3
Thus, eqn. (1) reduces to ;
\(\frac{(x-6)^2}{1}\) – \(\frac{(y-1)^2}{3}\) = 1
⇒ 3 (x – 6)2 – (y – 1)2 = 3
which is the required eqn. of hyperbola.

Question 6.
Show that the line y = x + √7 touches the hyperbola 9x2 – 16y2 = 144.
Given eqn. of hyperbola be
9x2 – 16y2 = 144
and eqn. of given line be
y = x + √7 …(2)
From (2); y = x + √7, putting in eqn. (1); we get
9x2 – 16 (x + √7)2 = 144
⇒ 9x2 – 16 (x2 + 7 + 2√7 x) – 144 = 0
⇒ -7x2 – 32√7x – 256 = 0
⇒ 7x2 + 32√7x + 256 = 0
⇒ (√7x +1 6)2 = 0
eqn. (3) is quadratic in x and have equal roots
∴ from (3) ; x = \(\frac{-16}{\sqrt{7}}\)
Thus line (2) touches hyperbola eqn. (1).

OP Malhotra Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test

Question 7.
Find the equation of the hyperbola whose foci are (0, ± 13) and the length of the conjugate axis is 20.
Coordinates of foci are (0, ± 13) which are lies on y-axis and y-axis be the transverse axis of hyperbola.
Let the eqn. of hyperbola be,
\(\frac{y^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{x^2}{b^2}\) = 1
Here ae = 13
and 2b = 20 and b = 10
We know that, b2 = a2 (e2 – 1)
⇒ 100 = 132 – a2
⇒ a2 = 69
Thus eqn. (1) reduces to ; \(\frac{y^2}{69}\) – \(\frac{x^2}{100}\) = 1,
which is the required eqn. of hyperbola.

Question 8.
Find the equation of the hyperbola whose transverse and conjugate axes are the x and y axes respectively, given that the length of conjugate axis is 5 and distance between the foci is 13 .
Let the eqn. of hyperbola be
\(\frac{x^2}{a^2}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{b^2}\) = 1 …(1)
Given length of conjugate axis be 5
∴ 2b = 5 ⇒ b = \(\frac{5}{2}\)
and distance between foci = 13
⇒ 2 ae = 13 …(2)
We know that b2 = a2 (e2 – 1)
⇒ \(\left(\frac{5}{2}\right)^2\) = \(\left(\frac{13}{2}\right)^2\) – a2
⇒ a2 = \(\frac{169}{4}\) – \(\frac{25}{4}\) = \(\frac{144}{4}\) = 36
Thus, eqn. (1) reduces to;
\(\frac{x^2}{36}\) – \(\frac{y^2}{25 / 4}\) = 1
⇒ \(\frac{x^2}{36}\) – \(\frac{4 y^2}{25}\) = 1
⇒ 25x2 – 144y2 = 900
which is the required eqn. of hyperbola.

Question 9.
Find the equation to the conic whose focus is (1, -1), eccentricity is \(\frac{1}{2}\) and the directrix is the line x – y = 3. Is the conic section an ellipse?
Given focus of ellipse be F (1, -1) and eqn. of directrix be x – y -3 = 0 and e = \(\frac{1}{2}\)
Let P (x, y) be any point on ellipse. Then by def. of ellipse, we have | PF | = e | PM |
where PM be the ⊥ drawn from P on given directrix.
OP Malhotra Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 25 Hyperbola Chapter Test Img 2
On squaring both sides, we have
8[(x – 1)2 + (y + 1)2] = (x – y – 3)2
⇒ 8 (x2 – 2x + y2 + 2y + 2) = x2 + y2 + 9 – 2xy + 6y – 6x
⇒ 7x2 + 7y2 + 2xy – 10x + 10y + 7 = 0
which is the required eqn. of ellipse.

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