Theme of the Poem Daffodils

In the poem, Nature is a benign power. As the poet seems to be in a lonely state during his walk, Nature offers him great delight through the dance of golden daffodils by the side of a lake. The poet no more feels lonely because he is found in a joyous company of fluttering daffodils and sparkling waves.

In the poem, Nature is given life and spirit. Daffodils flutter and dance. They toss their heads in sprightly dance. The sparkling waves dance too. They offer their company to the lonely poet to make him cheerful. We see that Nature is not lifeless or dispirited; rather it is a living spirit, very much sensitive to human feelings. Nature as a living spirit is another theme that runs through the poem.

Moreover, the strength of human imagination and memories is another pivotal theme of this poem. The joy the poet experiences by gazing at thousands of daffodils flutter and dance is not going to end when he goes back. The sweet memory of the day comforts him when he is lonely and sad. This memory proves a bliss of solitude for the poet.

What the poet is saying, it is through his imaginative faculty that he can relive the delightful experience. This offers him instantaneous joy and makes his heart dance with the daffodils even if he is depressed.

‘For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude.
And then my heart with pleasure fdls,
And dances with the daffodils.’

Treasure Trove Poems and Short Stories Workbook Answers

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